Hero Blaze: Three Kingdoms Discord Chat Event

Hero Blaze: Three Kingdoms
1 min readJun 10, 2022


⚔️A chat event will be held in the official discord community of Hero Blaze: Three Kingdoms🎉

✅Be active in the community and obtain EXP and level-up just like an RPG game

🎁Obtain various rewards by participating in the chat event.

⭕️Event Period

: June 10, 2022 (Fri) ~ July 17, 2022 (Sun) 23:59(UTC+9)

🎁Event Reward

🥉Reach level 5 : 200 Dumplings

🥈Reach level 10 : 15 White Silver Keys

🥇Reach level 15 : 500,000 Gold Box(2)

🏅Reach level 20 : 10 Gold Keys

📌The rewards are not accumulated and you will only receive the reward depending on your level at the end of the event.

ex) If you reach level 15 on July 17, you will only receive the level 15 reward, not level 5~15 rewards

📌Spam, advertisement, and meaningless chat in order to increase your level will not be counted, and your chat EXP and level may be reset without warning through the judgment of ADMINS.

📌Your chat level must be maintained until the end of the event and if you do not exist in the discord channel or if your level and EXP have been reset, you will be disqualified from the event.


Please refer to the Community Channels for more information

Official Website: https://heroblaze3kd.io/

Telegram: https://t.me/HeroBlaze3kd

Twitter: https://twitter.com/HeroBlaze3kd

Medium: https://heroblaze3kd.medium.com/

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/heroblaze3kd

